Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not on thy own understanding.

In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6

I guess everyone has to deal with priorities.
I, I find it hard sometimes to prioritise.
Because what is it that I find so much more important that it goes before something else? It really goes from what to spend money on to what to do on a certain day.
These are real issues for me because since I’m on maternity leave and hubby still doesn’t have an income, we don’t have so much to spend.
And having a young baby and another young child plus some other activities doesn’t leave me with seas of time either.
I’m actually someone who likes to plan things. I like to write down what I really have to do or want to do a certain day and sometimes I plan how to spend money as well.
But there have been days that I feel kind of nervous because I think: There’s so much that I have to do and I don’t know where to start.

So today I’m trying to prioritise.
I just put my eldest daughter at school and on the way home I was trying to plan the coming hours:

First I would see if my 4 month old baby needed me and then I would clean the living room. After that I’d call the Avon distributor who is supposed to visit me one of these days and then call the bank to apply for an increase on my overdraft.

Those were the things on my top list today.

So as I got in the house I heard the baby cry. She was lying next to her daddy but I really think that he was sleeping. I felt so sad for her. She was really a bit upset.
So I picked her up, cuddled her and apologised for not taking her with me. (My husband left the pram at a friends house because he picked up the kids by car after I dropped them of) and then let her drink. In the meanwhile I started to write this because it ‘s about the only useful thing that I can do while breastfeeding.
She just fell asleep and I put her in the bouncer chair.
So the next thing will be cleaning the living room and most of the time I do that while I’m praying and I lay my plans for today before God and ask Him to guide me and give me strength for the day.

Because the best thing that you can do is prioritise together with God, like the above scripture says. God sees and knows everything and He knows best.

We don't have to stress because the bible says in Isaiah 26:3

Thou will keep him in perfect peace,whose mind is stayed on Thee; because He trusted in Thee.

Hallelujah , glory to His name !

I really need to seek God more in this, to make it my own every single day and every moment of the day.
Because christians really should be too blessed to be stressed,amen ?

But to go back to my plans for today so far: After I’ve made the calls I’ll probably clean up my room and then sit to think (and pray) of what else needs to be done.

Somewhere in the day I have to finish preparing the teaching for the cell group for today. I'm praying that God will really help me with this and speak through me this evening.

Well, I hope you’ll have a lovely day today.

May the Lord bless you and keep you and guide you in all that you do in Jesus’ name Amen.

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